Crops harvested and distributed include the following:

  1. Kale: 38 bags (4-gallon size each): 30 bags Scottish Kale; 8 bags Red Russian Kale
  2. Fresh Onions: 28 bags- 5 onions/bag
  3. Zucchini Squash: 8 individual (first harvest just coming in)
  4. Peas (snap and pod types): Total 4 gallons harvested; 3 gallons prepared crop for distribution in quart-sized bags
  5. Basil (including Thai basil): 33 quart-size bags (8 gallons harvested)
  6. Italian Parsley: 30 quart-sized bags (4 gallons harvested)
  7. Rosemary: 8 bags (snack-size)
  8. Dill: 13 quart-size bags; I large branch per bag)
  9. Lemon Sage: 13 quart-sized bags
  10. Italian Oregano (Mild): 30 quart-sized bags
  11. Tomatoes: First of Season: 2 harvested